
Random Poetry (36) Life (29) Reflections (15) Love (13) Devotions (10) Nature (8) Future (2) Hope (2) Moving on (2)

Monday, September 30, 2013

The day.

The day we waited for,
Dawned like any other.
With you across a border,
Flying ever closer.

And suddenly the horizon,
Lights up the sky a curios gold.
Not of sunlight but something more.
Though like sunrays it drives away cold.

And rust and years of trust.
Sleepless nights and meaningless days.
And declares it must must must.
End always thoughts of mights and mays and junes and true lies.

Until all that is left is what is best.
The scribe and his bride.
In the midst of the test.
Yet finally on the same side of the page.

Till paige and flower smile.
Boy and lass.
Make straight and florid the aisle.
That we must pass.
Before two become one.
To be divided no more.
And then three or four come.
To walk the path ever more.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Is it sinful to ask for a sign.
To ask for a response from the divine.
When all creation bursts at the seams.
Revealing the glory of god in me.

Why can I his masterpiece,
Not ask an answer to be left in peace.
I know a wicked people ask for a sign.
But I am only seeking your design.

A fleece so i'll know which battle to fight.
A heading to sail to in the dark of night.
Not a blueprint to my fate.
Just guidance to walk by faith.

I know you are with me.
So I will be still.
Reveal your majesty.
Show me your will.

I know where I want to be.
Is in your arms.
And that destiny cannot,
Can never be harmed.

So even if you refuse,
I will obey yet.
You are my refuge,
This I cannot forget.

I will walk in signs and wonders.
To the god who designs them I surrender.


A memory that brings tears to mind.
A blur of thoughts and emotions and feelings.
The meaning I searched for but cannot find.
Just a blur of thoughts ideas and things.

Suddenly I remember a face, a face I cannot place.
A name I have forgotten, I cannot remember.
Maybe one that never was, one that has no trace.
A voice like all and nothing that was and was never.

A joy at the memory.
And a silence as it ends.
A forgotten story.
That makes reality bend.

You wonder if they ever were.
If their name ever was.
Or if they are all they are.
Just a thought and a voice.

A figment in your mind.
Trapped behind the blinds.
Sad and alone, as you sit on the throne.
A jester or figment for your entertainment.

A player in dreams and schemes.
that is ignored, a slave, construct, nothing more

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


There in the wind.
Blossoms so beautiful.
They must be sin.

In the heart of every gust.
A colour that overcomes.
A lust.

So strong.
It makes the trees sway.
And dance along.

A love so steep.
That the rivers sing.
Calling out from the deep.

Between love and pain.
Between death and life.
The wind remains.

But to carry the leaves.
To carry the colors.
To new eves.

Life death.
Lust and pride.
In every breath.
Till it dies.