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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dirty Feet.

Leaving nets, boats and fish.
Down a cruel and narrow street.
Tying all their hopes to his.
They followed him on naked feet.

Where the world feared to tread.
When his promise seemed complete.
Over sin and scorpions head.
They marched on calloused feet.

When the world that loved denied.
When the dark sought his defeat.
He asked will you too leave my side?
And they stood fast on weary feet.

But on the night the kiss betrayed.
To make the fathers will complete.
They all like sheep afraid.
Turned and ran on trembling feet.

Thus the whip and heart ache tore.
Pharisees spat and Romans beat.
To Calvary the cross he bore.
On whipped back and stone bruised feet.

Now where he lay down his cross.
That he be lifted for sins defeat.
We are called to bear the cost.
To follow and dirty our feet.

Over mountains, deserts, seas.
That his love would be complete.
Will we take him to those whose needs
Are strengthened hands and weary feet.

That they may see a light in the dark.
That we would make his joy complete.
And find a true disciples mark.
Is calloused hands and dirty feet.

Just a thought I had... what is the mark of a true disciple?
When he called the first of the twelve.
He asked them simply to follow him, and that HE not US will make them (Experienced fishermen) Fishers of men.
So what was the defining quality? what was the mark of a true disciple?
The mark was dirty feet.
Feet that would follow him everywhere.
Into traps at Gethsemane.
Over the seas of Galilee.
Over serpents and scorpions.(Luke 10:19)
Even to their own personal Calvaries.
The mark of a disciple is following him wherever he leads, no matter how hard or dirty.
Therefore the mark of a disciple is dirty feet.

If it was a case of literally dirty feet I think this wouldn't be a problem for me.
But because it means following and obeying him even when it's hard it ain't that easy. I love him, but honestly, who likes getting their feet dirty?
There are people I don't wanna talk to, times when I'm tired and hurting and I don't want to go and be encouraged or encourage someone else. There are things in my life I need to turn around and take notice of and carry to the cross. It's not easy to get your feet dirty, and if your stepping into the field for the harvest you have to. It's when your on the edge of the field and put your hand to the plow for the first time that it is the hardest to not look back, but rather to dig your feet in, take that first gooey sinking step into the mud and start working. But I think it will always be a struggle to not look back, to not become jaded and want to wash yourself of all of this. I'm saying this because now I am in a place where I have looked back and wondered a great deal.(Luke 9:62)
It's been a struggle, but in the end when your before him leaving everything in this world behind maybe the only thing we can offer him is this:

A mirror heart that reflects his glory.
Calloused hands that caress his scars.
And dirty feet that tell the story,
Of following the savior in life's dark hours.

The question is are we willing to get our feet dirty? Are we willing to listen to those tiny human voices that he uses to minister to our spirits, and the still small one in our hearts that urges us to hold our breath and jump in? Or are we too distracted walking our own paths to listen and obey his call of "follow me".
In my life I guess only time will tell.
Still I thank God that he personally came and got his feet dirty, bloodied and bruised so that I could follow him, and that he has provided me with friends and fellow workers, brothers and sisters with dirty feet who I can walk with and look up to.

For that reason I dedicate this to YPO who helped me see the significance of dirty feet, Obi wan who helped me take my first baby steps into the field. And Roven without whom I may never have found out about the field or the landlord in the first place. And all my brothers and sisters in him who aren't afraid to say "My feet are dirty... Isn't that awesome?"