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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Random Rendevous

A chance meeting, glances greetings.
Quick re-cap and mingled words.
Of mishaps, mangled rumors heard.

Fast communication, past information.
Encouragement, glad sighs.
A moment, then sad goodbyes.

Is it randomness, or a tandem purpose.
Just crossing paths, or God networking hearts.
That in retrospect, just seemingly too perfect.
Just too suspect, enough to make us reflect.

And see him reaching his hand, moving us back to his plan.
In ways we then can't comprehend, he makes amends through our own friends.

It all started as most of these stories do,
With an Epic Fail.
A realization that I was in deep trouble and had created a catastrophic back log at work which would soon overflow and erupt causing serious damage.
I realized it was all my fault and that's when the depression set in and pride started coming up with ways to pass the buck.
So during my lunch break I left office and walked very slowly, thoughtfully to the nearest shopping mall to spend Some time alone with God and not being noticed, and try to sort out a solution.

And nothing...

I asked him how on earth do I get through this and finally just said please do something I'm leaving it in your hands... and proceeded to my favorite pass-time, window shopping. :)

Going past I ran into a friend of mine from church out to get lunch on her lunch break who asked me how i was and how come she doesn't see me in church as often. Next I ran into another friend of mine from college who is a part of my bible study group. and he asked me why I haven't been coming for cell group to which i proceeded to make an excuse. Anyway after these random rendezvous while walking past the food court, I proceeded to worry until finally it dawned on me that maybe this was God's answer, that maybe he was telling me church and cell were another foundational thing I had taken for granted. Thinking back on that now I remember not being too hyped. But rather in my casual jaded way of thinking passing it along as just a coincidence but ending it saying "in-case this is you talking, okay I'll make more effort to go for cell and church."
And then I ran into my co worker on the way out and he asked me what was up.
Normally I would have kept it to myself.
But I told him, and he simply told me, don't worry, we'll sort it out next week.
and then we just chatted.
Looking back I am awed at the simplicity and complexity of his plan, and how he uses each of us to minister to each of us. And how he always delves into the heart of the matter before solving the problem.
We serve an epic God.

Your thoughts far surpass my own.
I'm lost, starblasted, mind blown.
When you reach in, show your renown
My pride sinks and my world' upside down.
But in that moment of chaos.
The true elegance is lost.
In retrospect alone i see.
The intellect of what you plan for me.
And i'm slack jawed in awe once again.
All i can say is no way! I'm amazed again! Amen.

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